VA Shorthand Guide

Just like the military, the VA has its own vocabulary of acronyms and keywords. If you don't know what they stand for, you can get lost very quickly. On this page, we will keep a running tab of all the abbreviations we use on this page. If you encounter terms within the VA or other veterans organizations that you do not understand, please let me know in the comments and I'll define them in this list. Thanks!


C&P: Compensation and Pension

CBOC: Community Based Outpatient Clinic - These VA clinics are located outside of the VA medical center in communities that are more accessible to veterans. They have primary care doctors, mental health specialists, social workers, etc. but do not have specialty services. For specialty services, veterans must travel to the nearest medical center.

DAV: Disabled American Veterans - a VSO

VA: Department of Veterans Affairs

VFW: Veterans of Foreign Wars - a VSO

VSO: Veteran Service Organization - These organizations exist to help veterans file claims and navigate the bureaucracy of the VA at no cost to the veteran. The DAV and VFW are both VSOs.